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Envolve Data Pte Ltd

Envolve is an end-to-end sensing and analytics service for offline retailers. We make intuitive devices and actionable recommendations that let retail businesses perform better. The company was started 2018 to help SME retailers change from instinct-led to data-driven when making decisions. We're in Singapore with additional staff in Kuala Lurnpur and Sydney.

Working with the data you have.

One of the best things about working with retail data is that It increases in value the more that it is used.

There are many different ways we can put data to work – from using it to improve decision making inside your store, exploring operational efficiencies that save you money, to fine tuning the products and services provided by your business partners. Data can also be used to develop new analytic models, like predicting customer traffic and sales for certain products on specific days at specific times.

Envolve is committed to working with data in a way that benefits retailers and brands. We maintain a secure cloud environment where data is curated, quality controlled and stored, so that it can be repurposed for your benefit.

Most importantly, as a partner of Envolve, you always own your personal and business data, and the decision to share it for any commercial benefits rests with you.


• Working with 200 retail outlets and their selected brand partners in Singapore

• Processed more than 20 million shopper journeys. trackingover 100,000 shopper receipts daily

• Developed an innovative point of sale sensor. automated data structure, machine vision for shopper pathing and clustering, autonomous sales prediction. intelligent alerting and a secure data exchange.


  • EDI - EDI System/Software, B2B E-Commerce Solutions
  • Software - Retail Measurement and Data Exchange, Platform for Retailers and FMCGs

Product And Services

Retailers of all sizes can benefit with

  • Drive incremental sales
  • Enhance operational performance
  • Understand shopper journeys
  • Optimise Product Assortment
  • Collaborate with brands
  • Implement with speed

Real-Time Store Insights

  • True Retail Collaboration
  • Real Time Insight and Analytics
  • Flexible and low cost subscriptions
  • Superior channel access
  • Track every purchase
  • Leverage AI powered Insights


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