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The GS1 Community comprises end users (manufacturers, distributors, retailers etc.) who have products in motion in the supply chain and Solution Partners (hardware and software companies, consultants, solution providers, systems integrators and training companies) who help the end user community implement the GS1 System and technologies.

GS1 encourages all of our end users to work with and support the GS1 Singapore Solution Partners who are active members of GS1 and who are able to provide products and services that not only claim to implement the GS1 system of standards but also other wide range of solutions.

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GS1 Call for Collaboration Platform


GS1 Call for Collaboration Platform (CFC) is a service offer by GS1 Singapore to assist user companies to identify the right Solution Partners for their project implementation. 

4 Steps Process: 

GS1 Call for Collaboration Platform - 4 Steps Process

Project Discovery:

•      Challenges / Issues Faced

•      Draft Project Requirements

Identify Solution:

•      Identify Possible Technology or Solutions

•      Recommend Suitable GS1 Standards for Implementation

Business Matching:

•      Match Solution Partners to Project Requirements

•      Explore the project Scope in Details

Compliance Assessment:

•      GS1 to conduct Compliance Assessment

•      To ensure Solution Implemented are based on GS1 Global Standards

Download CFC form here

For more information about CFC, please contact us at 6826 3077. Alternatively, you may send the completed CFC form to