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Singapore National Registration Authority for Object Identifiers (SNRAOID)


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), (now known as Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA)) has appointed GS1 Singapore on 8 March 2001, the then Singapore Article Number Council (SANC) as Singapore National Registration Authority for OID (SNRAOID) to implement and administer a system for the issuance of object identifiers (OIDs) in Singapore.

Objective of SNRAOID

  • to assign an unique OID to a requesting organisation

  • to maintain a list of assigned numbers to ensure that no 2 organisations have been allocated the same OID

  • to maintain an up-to-date database of OID organisations in Singapore registered with SNRAOID


Services Offered

  • Immediate allocation of unique OID upon receipt of OID application

Benefits to Members

All members of SNRAOID shall enjoy all the privileges extended to members of GS1 Singapore Council. Some of the potential benefits include :

  • members of SNRAOID will enjoy a special fee for all seminars organised by SNRAOID and seminars organised by GS1 Singapore Council.

  • a copy of GS1 Singapore Newsletter will be given to SNRAOID members free-of-charge.

  • certifying bodies will be able to issue OID for security elements such as public and private keys etc.

  • companies will be able to issue unique product identification numbers, part numbers of hardware and software etc.

  • companies will be able to issue unique location numbers to identify companies unambiguously as party identification for the purpose of conducting e-commerce party identification etc.

  • financial institutions will be able to issue public and private keys for e-payments.

  • companies will be able to provide financial services such as electronic clearing houses for financial transactions etc.


What is an Object Identifier?

An Object identifier (OID) is basically a string of numbers. It is usually allocated in a hierarchical manner.


Structure of an Object Identifier

The allocation of OID is based on ISO 8824 standard. Under ISO 8824, OID numbers shall take the following hierarchical structure :


Arc 1 : International Standards Authority

Arc 2 : National Member Body

Arc 3 : National Country Number

Arc 4 : Registration Authority

Arc 5 : Organisation Registered


International Standards Authority

The International Standards Authority under arc 1 refers to International Standards Organisation (ISO). The digit allocated for ISO is "1".


National Member Body

The National Member Body under arc 2 refers to the National Member Body of ISO. The digit allocated for all National Member Body of ISO is "2". In the case of Singapore, SPRING Singapore is the National Member Body representing Singapore at ISO. The digit allocated for SPRING Singapore is "2".


National Country Number

The National Country Number under arc 3 refers to the Country in which the National Registration Authority operates. In this case, under ISO 3166, the digit allocated for Singapore is "702".


Registration Authority

The Registration Authority under arc 4 refers to an organisation authorised to allocate unique object identifier. In Singapore, SNRAOID is the only Registration Authority that has been appointed by IDA to implement and administer a system for the issuance of object identifiers (OIDs). The digit allocated for the Registration Authority, SNRAOID is "0". Under Registration Authority with "0" prefix, the capacity will be limited to 8999 and the first number to be issued will be "1001".


In the event, the SNRAOID exhausts its capacity of "8999" allocation after several years of operation, it shall proceed to start the next series of registration authority prefix of "1", "2", "3" as the subsequent prefixes for the SNRAOID with each prefix providing the capacity of 8999 company prefixes. Hence, this will ensure that the SNRAOID will not have any constraints on the capacity problem.


Organisation Registered

The 5th arc refers to the organisation that has registered with SNRAOID for an unique object identifier. A 4-digit organisation code will be allocated to a registered organisation by SNRAOID.


OID Structure Representation

When combining the above-mentioned 5 arcs, the entire OID should read as 1-2-702-0-XXXX.


Arcs Below Organisation Code

Please note that organisation that has registered with SNRAOID will be able to assign object identifier values for its own purpose and in its own proprietary information format. Autonomy is left to the organisation to manage their own object identifier values under their own system. The organisation can assign alpha or alpha-numeric identification numbers behind the respective company prefixes allocated to them. These numbers after allocation need not be submitted to the SNRAOID for record.


Membership Fees

The total subscription fees payable at the point of registration for SNRAOID Membership amount to S$1,620.00 (Singapore Dollars One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Only) with the following breakdown.

Application Fee

The application fee for SNRAOID membership shall be S$810.00 (S$750.00 + 8% GST). This amount is only a one-time payment at the point of registering for SNRAOID membership. The first year entrance fee paid upon joining is non refundable and non-transferable.


Annual Subscription Fee

The annual subscription fee for SNRAOID membership shall be S$810.00 (S$750.00 + 8% GST). This annual fee shall be paid in January of each year to cover fee period January to December of that particular year. The full year subscription fee paid upon joining is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Application for SNRAOID Membership

We hereby invite you to become a member of SNRAOID. Companies who wish to join SNRAOID are requested to fill in the membership application form and send it to