GS1 celebrating 40 Year Anniversary

GS1 will be celebrating its 40th Year Anniversary from April 2013 onwards with a series exciting activities. This was announced during GS1 Asia Pacific (AP) Forum at Palawan, Puerto Princesa from 30 October to 1 November 2012. It was attended by 16 Asia Pacific Member Organisations (MOs) from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Macau, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.  GS1 AP is an annual event whereby GS1 Head office from Belgium will update the MOs the coming year’s directions and MOs CEOs will table their feedbacks and concerns for their respective countries.

AP MOs also took this opportunity to share their projects with different countries MOs to explore joint initiatives. AP Forum allowed both new and existing MOs the opportunities to learn from each other experiences.

As this is an annual event, Singapore requested to host GS1 AP Forum for 2015 had been approved soon after New Zealand and Australia in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Planning for the hosting will begin from 2013 onwards.

(Clockwise from Top-Left: CEO’s and delegates from Asia Pacific countries. Mr. James See (Executive Director) and Mr. Johnny Ang (Assistant Director) of GS1 Singapore presenting a token to GS1 Philippines CEO, Mr. Jose A. Albert. 

On 5th November, GS1 Singapore welcomed GS1 Russian CEO Georgy Nasonov and Director, External Relations Grigory Slusarenko who visited GS1 Singapore after GS1 AP Forum before returning to Russian. GS1 Russian and Singapore will explore more joint collaboration between both countries to strength GS1 standards in both regions.

(Starting from Left: Mr. Georgy Nasonov and Mr. Grigory Slusarenko of GS1 Russian, Mr. James See (Executive Director) and Mr. Johnny Ang (Assistant Director) of GS1 Singapore)

(Article posted by Andy Siow)