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Tech-in-Trace Healthcare Forum 2018

Venue: Concourse Room at Level 2, SMF Building, 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457
Date: 08 February 2018
Time: 1.00pm~5.30pm
Closing Date: 06 February 2018
Early Bird Cut-off date: 31 January 2018

The patient is entitled to the best care. Safer, more efficient care starts with a simple scan.

To increase patient safety, supply chain efficiency, traceability and accurate data synchronisation in healthcare, a cost-efficient yet robust supply chain management strategy goes a long way. With the adoption of open global standards, an integrated supply chain can drive remarkable changes in business processes and work with positive results in better quality services, cost reduction and efficiency.

This forum is targeted at pharmaceutical and medical devices manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, group purchasing organisations, hospitals, pharmacies, logistics providers, governmental and regulatory bodies and trade associations.

Register with us today and enjoy our special promotion "
Free 3rd seat for every 2 seats registered"!


Programme Outline
Time Programme Details
1.00pm – 1.30pm
1.30pm – 1.40pm
Opening Address by CEO of GS1 Singapore Limited
1:40pm – 2.10pm

Traceability for Patients' Safety - a Hospital Perspective

Helping the right patient get the right medicine at the right dose in the right route at the right time. This is mission critical for pharmacies at hospitals. This presentation highlights a hospital's vantage point on the ability to trace pharmaceutical drugs to ensure patients receive the right prescription on time.

Mr Wu Tuck Seng, Deputy Director, Department of Pharmacy, National University Hospital

Click here for speaker's bio

2.10pm – 2.30pm
Global view of the Challenges and Opportunities for Traceability

This presentation will discuss the role of global standards as a foundation for effective healthcare traceability - all the way to the patient. Trends, developments and global alignment of regulatory and trading partner direction will be discussed, as well as benefits from exiting implementations.

Ms Tania Snioch, Director Healthcare, GS1 Global Office

Click here for speaker's bio

2.30pm – 2.50pm
Technology Track: How Patient Identification Enables the 5 Rights of Healthcare

Mr. George Pepes, Solutions Marketing Lead (Retail/Healthcare) Zebra Technologies Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd

Click here for speaker's bio

2.50pm – 3.10pm
Traceability in Healthcare - Visibility in a Unified Supply Chain

Dr. Oh Ching Mien, Deputy Manager Business Development, ST Healthcare

Click here for speaker's bio

3.10pm – 3.40pm
Networking Tea Break and Exhibition
3.40pm – 4.00pm
Technology Track: The Next Wave of Supply Chain Digitalisation

Mr Leo Yeung, Vice President, Business Network Sales, Asia Pacific, Open Text (Asia) Pte Ltd

Click here for speaker's bio

4.00pm – 4.20pm
Technology Track: Pro-active Strategies for Effective Implementation of Global Track & Trace

Mr. Shaunak J. Dave, MD & CEO of Optel Group India

Click here fro speaker's bio

4.20pm – 4.40pm

4.40pm - 5.00pm

The Serialisation Journey from The Manufacturer's Perspective

Mr Lam Chan-Kuen, Senior Manager Serialization APAC, Pfizer Global Serialization Program, Pfizer

Click here for speaker's bio

Mr Leandro Oliveira, Senior Supply Chain Manager, End-2-End Product Traceability, Johnson and Johnson

Click here for speaker's bio
5.00pm – 5.30pm
Q&A / Panel Discussion

End of Session


Complete the registration form below and an email confirmation will be sent to your organisation. 

For any enquiries, please contact us at: 6826 3089 or email us at

Cancellation and Substitutes:
1. We regret there will be no refunds for cancellations, no-shows and non-attendance, replacement of participant is permitted and notice of change in participant’s must be given in writing, not less than 5 business days before the course commencement date. 

2. A confirmation note will be sent one week prior to event via email. All registrations will be taken as confirmed and will be billed accordingly (including no-shows) unless otherwise notified.

3. When an event is cancelled, fail to commence or fail to complete under unforeseen circumstances, the participant is allowed to defer the intake at no cost or withdraw from the course; under such situation, a full refund of the advance payment will be given.

4. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

5. GS1 Members Rate is only applicable to GS1 Singapore Members.

Early bird rate ends on 31 Jan 2018

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
GS1 SG Member Rate S$68.00 S$88.00
SMF Member S$78.00 S$118.00
Public S$88.00 S$128.00

Registration is closed