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GS1 Barcode Workshop - Transiting from 1D to 2D barcode in the Healthcare Sector

Venue: GS1 Singapore, SMF, 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457
Date: 17 June 2016
Time: 1.30pm~5.30pm
Closing Date: 14 June 2016

US FDA has established a unique device identification system to effectively identify medical devices through their distribution and use. The label of most medical devices will include a unique device identifier (UDI) in both human and machine-readable form. 

GS1 is one of the FDA-accredited issuing agency that operates a system for assignment of UDIs according to the rule. GS1 Singapore will support our healthcare industry to meet with the FDA's Unique Device Identification (UDI) rule for enhanced patient safety.

"Do you know how to convert from 1D to 2D barcode?
More Data, Higher Speed, Smaller Size"

Join us to learn how to convert the barcode data to meet the regulations!

Learning Outcomes:

1. Introduction to GS1 System

2. Introduction to GS1 Application Identifiers

2.1 Understand what is GS1 Application Identifiers (AI) and its functions

2.2 How Application Identifiers can be used for identification

2.3 Understand what is concatenation and its rules and usage

2.4 How to apply the rules in combining AIs

3. Introduction to GS1 Datamatrix

3.1 Understand what is GS1 Datamatrix and its key application areas

3.2 Understand how symbol size changes with content data
3.3 Able to differentiate between Datamatrix and GS1 Data Datamatrix

4. Symbol Print and Data Quality

4.1 Understanding what are the available printing techniques?

4.2 Identify the Symbol location

4.3 Know what is good symbol quality

Who should attend?

  • Medical Device manufacturers/ brand owners (Individuals in – Quality Assurance/ Quality Control/ Regulatory Compliance)
  • Medical device distributors/suppliers
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of GTIN Basics System

A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to the participants.


Complete the registration form below; an email confirmation will be sent to your organisation.

All fees are inclusive of 7% GST.

Payment Options:

a. Cheque - Made payable to 'GS1 Singapore Limited'
Address: 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah Singapore 159457

For any enquiries, please contact us at: 6826 3077 or

Cancellation and Substitutes:

1. We regret there will be no refunds for cancellations, no-shows and non-attendance, replacement of participant is permitted and notice of change in participant’s must be given in writing, not less than 5 business days before the course commencement date.

2. A confirmation note will be sent one week prior to event via email. All registrations will be taken as confirmed and will be billed accordingly (including no-shows) unless otherwise notified.

3. When a workshop is cancelled, fail to commence or fail to complete under unforeseen circumstances, participant is allowed to defer the intake at no cost or withdraw from the course; under such situation, a full refund of the advance payment will be given.

4. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

Exclusive Deal- 15% Discount for participants who registered for GS1 SG Seminar: Understanding US FDA UDI in the Healthcare Industry!

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
GS1 SG Member N/A S$85.60
SMF Member N/A S$128.40
Public N/A S$160.50

Registration is closed