Events & Media > Event Details


Venue: SMF Auditorium, 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457
Date: 02 September 2014
Time: 9:00AM~1:30PM
Closing Date: 31 August 2014


  1. The GS1 Singapore is proud to launch our 1st Healthcare Forum – Improving Patient Safety and Healthcare Efficiency across the Supply Chain. This event, aims to bring together public and private healthcare authorities and operators for an exchange of expertise and know-how to achieve a common goal of improving the efficiency of healthcare services and quality of patient safety in Singapore.
  1. According to the statistics provided by McKinsey & Company, at the global level, estimate an annual incidence of 50-100 million medication errors, resulting in 10-35 million preventable ADEs, and $18-115 billion in associated potential healthcare costs.
  1. Healthcare professionals are turning their focus on the global standards in the industry. With the continued increase in the financial burden on traditional delivery models and the demand for better patient care, professionals need solutions to improve patient safety at a lower cost.
  1. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Commission and other regulators have made patient safety a strategic priority by developing legislation for Unique Device Identification (UDI).


  1. Acquire understanding on how implementing global standards could help fight counterfeit medications, as serialization, traceability, and authentication. Global Standards could tackle key challenges to improve the supply chain efficiency and meet the needs of patient.
  2. Gain knowledge on UDI and understand how UDI can improve patient safety and Healthcare business processes. A single, global system of standards is fundamental to enable an efficient and effective implementation of UDI by all Healthcare stakeholders worldwide.



• Hospital and professional associations and institutions
• Head/Director of Patient Experience Management
• Leaders, Senior-level decision makers
• Medical device manufacturers, brand owners, quality & regulatory affairs executives
• Medical device distributors


Four key reasons why you should be at the forum:
- Find out new emerging trends and growth drivers to patient safety in Asia
- Meet leading healthcare professionals and gain insights to the latest ideas and strategies to patient safety
- Learn best practices of enhancing patient safety and improving operational excellence
- Hear case studies from experts who have successfully implemented a patient centric business model and garnered the support from stakeholders across the value-chain



 Should you require more information, please reach us at the following contacts:

Names  Email   Contacts
 Ms. Low Lee Keng  65-6826 3089
 Ms. Joy Lee  65-6826 3080
 Ms. Yadana Lwin  65-6826 0143

Terms & Conditions:
1. Registration is on a first-come first-served basis.
2. We regret that no refund will be made for cancellation and non-attendance, replacement of participant is permitted and notice of change in participant’s must be given in writing, not less than 5 days before the course commencement date.
3. When an event is cancelled, fail to commence or fail to complete under unforeseen circumstances, a full refund of the advance payment will be given.
4. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
GS1 SG Member N/A S$88.00
SMF Member/Partner’s Rate N/A S$98.00
Standard Forum Rate / Non-Member Rate N/A S$108.00

Registration is closed