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19th GS1 Bar Code Training Workshop

Venue: GS1 Singapore, SMF, 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457
Date: 15 January 2015
Time: 1330~1730
Closing Date: 14 January 2015
"Do you know? Many retailers achieve scan rates over 99%, while 1% of products scan failures cause great costs and disrupt supply chain efficiency.

What causes poor scanning?

Companies face the issue of not able to assign their numbers correctly or use of impropriate symbol size. This knowledge is not being passed on, due to change of staff or lack of understanding. There are printers company or design companies that do not understand the GS1 bar code symbols requirements. All these factors contribute to poor bar code symbols.

What are the dos and don'ts?

What are the common errors to be avoided? Why should you avoid making the same mistakes?

Spot the mistake!

We use common examples and with demonstration of verification test of the bar code symbol to the participants with explanations. We encourage participants to bring their company’s product packaging as part of the sharing session during the workshop.

Who should attend?

Personnel in product number assigning in the company, logistics, artwork designers, printing companies and all industries.

What do we cover

-        How to identify the different types of bar code formats
-        How to apply the usage of GS1 Keys and for different types of bar code format
-        How to apply the numbering system on the trade items and specifications
-        Identify the type of common printing problems of the bar code symbol

Join this workshop to learn more from the presenting Solution Provider Partner and available “Government Assistance Schemes”!

Upon completion of the training, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Accomplishment accredited by GS1 Singapore


How to Register?
Complete the online registration form, an email confirmation will be sent to your organisation. 

Registration is on a first-come first-served basis.

Payment Option:

Cheque payment: Cheque to be made payable to “GS1 Singapore Limited” to 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, S 159457.

Tel: 6826 3077 Email:

Cancellations and Substitutes:

1. We regret there will be no refunds for cancellations, no-shows and non-attendance, replacement of participant is permitted and notice of change in participant’s must be given in writing, not less than 5 days before the course commencement date.

2. A confirmation note will be sent one week prior to event via email. All registrations will be taken as confirmed and will be billed accordingly (including no-shows) unless otherwise notified.

3. When a workshop is cancelled, fail to commence or fail to complete under unforeseen circumstances, participant is allowed to defer the intake at no cost or withdraw from the course; under such situation, a full refund of the advance payment will be given.

4. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
GS1 SG Member N/A S$74.90
SMF Member N/A S$117.70
Public N/A S$149.80

Registration is closed