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Expand Your Business Globally Anytime Anywhere

Venue: eBay Office
Date: 01 November 2019
Time: 10am~12pm
Closing Date: 23 October 2019

More brand owners are now looking to expand their businesses abroad through e-commerce as their revenue have reached a plateau due to over dependency on the local Singapore market. Overseas markets have become increasingly important for local companies as one could witness the continuous growth of over 350 million internet users in this region. As reported in Channel News Asia on 5 January 2019, Southeast Asia’s e-commerce market looks set to hit US$102 billion by 2025 from US$23 billion in 2018.

The e-commerce bandwagon brings opportunities but also challenges. Most businesses are now facing competition with other merchants in capturing online sales and many are in dilemma of choosing the right online marketplace with the right target customers.

Why Attend?

Discover best practices to expand your e-commerce businesses successfully and unlock a world of export potential through this knowledge sharing session.

Who should attend?

This forum is specially tailored for brand owners, suppliers and distributors looking to explore e-Commerce to expand their businesses overseas.  People from Sales & Marketing, e-Commerce, Logistics and Supply Chain Operations, and other related departments would particularly benefit from this workshop.


Complete the registration form below and an email confirmation will be sent to your organization. 

For any enquiries, please contact us at 6826 3143 or email us at

Cancellation and Substitutes:

1. We regret there will be no refunds for cancellations, no-shows, and non-attendance, replacement of participant is permitted and notice of change in participants must be given in not less than 5 business days before the course commencement date. 

2. All registrations will be taken as confirmed.

3. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

Should you have any question, feel free to contact us at 6826 3077 or email us at

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
Public N/A S$0.00
GS1 SG Member N/A S$0.00

Registration is closed