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GS1-SIMTech Seminar: How to boost inventory management with RFID Technology

Venue: SIMTech, A*STAR, 2 Fusionopolis Way, Seminar Room 2, Level 6, Kinesis, Singapore 138635
Date: 27 August 2019
Time: 1:45pm~5:00pm
Closing Date: 26 August 2019

An inventory management system is designed to track each item of stock as it is brought into or as it leaves the warehouse, so that inventory levels can be monitored over time. With RFID technology, it reduces the time it takes to identify and track inventory.

Join us at this seminar to learn more on how RFID technologies can help accelerate your business.


Programme Details

1:45pm – 2:00pm


2:00pm – 2:30pm

GS1 EPC Standards for RFID-Based identification

  • Understand the use of RFID Technology with GS1 Standards and optimise supply chain’s inventory management

2:30pm – 3:00pm

 RFID Technology for Inventory Management
  • How to use RFID for inventory management?
  • Applications and Types of RFID Technology
  • Pros and Cons of RFID Technology

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Networking Tea Break

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Sharing of Successful Case Study and Implementation of RFID Technology

4:00pm – 4:30pm

Suppy Chain Management with the use of ITS (Inventory Tracking System)

4:30pm – 5:00pm

Visit to SIMTech’s RFID Showcase Room



Terms and Conditions:

  1. Registration is based on first-come-first-served due to space limitation.
  2. Registration is restricted to 2 participants per company.
  3. All registrations are subject to the approval of the organiser. Email confirmation will be sent to the participants.

Cancellation and Substitutes:
  1. No cancellations are allowed. However, replacement of participant is permitted and notice of change in participant’s must be given in writing, not less than 5 business days before the seminar's commencement date. No shows will be billed at $25 (excluding GST).
  2. All registrations are subject to approval. A confirmation note will be sent one week prior to event via email. 
  3. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

For inquiries, please contact us at 6826 3077 or email us at

Thank you!

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
Public N/A S$0.00
GS1 SG Member N/A S$0.00
SMF Member N/A S$0.00

Registration is closed