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GS1 Singapore Food Forum 2022: Digital Era of Food Supply Chain

Venue: NA
Date: 30 June 2022
Time: 2.00pm~4.30pm
Closing Date: 30 June 2022

GS1 Singapore Food Forum 2022

Digital Era of Food Supply Chain

GS1 Food Forum Header

In the face of challenges such as climate change, resource depletion and supply chain disruptions due to recent pandemic, the issue of food security has been brought into sharper focus. With limited resources, 90% of food in Singapore is imported from diverse sources.[1] The food industry needs to work hand-in-hand with the government to make sure food they offer to consumers is safe.

Food can be exposed to multitude of risks along the supply chain due to its growing complexity. Manufacturers, restaurants and food retailers still facing challenges to have full visibility of their end-to-end supply chains. Lack of a holistic view and understanding of potential risks can lead to food safety and quality failures, resulting in damage to a company’s brand reputation and bottom line.[2] More consumers are concern on food sources and wish to make an informed purchase decision.

In meeting the industry needs, this forum aims to bring together food manufacturers, importers, distributors and food retailers together to gain a better understanding of industry’s needs, identify areas of mutual benefit for collaboration and discover practical food safety solutions to implement in any size operation.

Agenda for Food Forum
*All times shown in the programme below are in Singapore Time (SGT)



2:00PM to 2:05PM

Opening Address

By GS1 Singapore

2:05PM to 2:25PM

Food e-commerce development trend: consumers, regulations, and sustainability

By Jiang YiFan, Food Industry Asia

2:25PM to 2:45PM

How to develop a safe and sustainable supply chain, based on global traceability standards 

By Patrik Jonason, GS1 Global

     2:45PM to 3:05PM

Building a flexible and resilient food supply chain with Order Management automation solution

By Richard Tan, Esker Document Automation Asia 

     3:05PM to 3:25PM

The Power of Digitalization to Stay on Sight, Fight Counterfeit and Better Product Recall Management

By Jerry Quek, i-Sprint Innovations 

     3:25PM to 3:45PM

Managing Food Safety Risks - A Retailer's Perspective 

By Chong Nyet Chin, NTUC Fairprice

     3.45PM to 4.05PM

Revenue growth management: Unlocking value in foodservice

By Simon Elsby, Exceedra Pty Ltd

     4.05PM to 4.25PM Q&A and Closing
*Please note that the programme is subject to change.

Industry Speakers
GS1 Singapore Food Forum


Who should attend?

This is a webinar not to be missed for food safety, food quality control/assurance professionals, food manufacturer, food sourcing and trading companies, logistics service providers, retailers, catering and hospitality personnel in the food service industry.

[1] Singapore: Food security despite the odds, (accessed March 2022)
[2] Food safety supply chain risk management, (accessed March 2022)

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Admission is free.

As we have very limited seats for this session, please register early to avoid disappointment. 

Should you have any question, feel free to contact us at 6826 3143 or

For other insightful webinars, kindly refer to our Calendar of Events to join our sessions.

 Replacement and Cancellation:

1. Replacement of participant and cancellation is permitted. Notice of change in participant’s must be given in writing, not less than 5 business days before the course commencement date.

2. GS1 Singapore reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
Public N/A S$0.00

Registration is closed