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GS1 Healthcare Webinar: A pathway to scan medical devices in the Operating Room using GS1 UDI

Venue: Zoom
Date: 17 September 2020
Time: 8:30pm~9:30pm
Closing Date: 16 September 2020
A pathway to scan medical devices in the Operating Room using GS1 UDI

Diederik Rood, Senior advisor ERP Solutions & Project leader Dutch Implant Registry at the Dijklander Hospital, the Netherlands, presents in this webinar the implementing of barcode scanning in the Operating Room.

Diederik will specifically explain:

  1. start small and try out, it doesn’t have to be perfect from the start;
  2. establish a broad project team covering all departments and staff affected;
  3. connect with suppliers to receive product data via GS1 Datasource Healthcare (GDSN): monitor your data and persevere;
  4. how to comply with the Dutch Implant Registry and improve patient safety: Scan the GS1 UDI barcode;
  5. benefits for logistics and finance of scanning barcodes.

“Involve all stakeholders from purchasing the products up to implanting in the Operating Theatre, and explain the benefits, because there are benefits for all of them to use the GS1 standards”.


About GS1 Healthcare

GS1 Healthcare is a neutral and open community bringing together all healthcare stakeholders to lead the successful development and implementation of global GS1 standards, enhancing patient safety, and operational and supply chain efficiencies.

The development and implementation of GS1 standards is led by the experts who use them: pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, group purchasing organisations, hospitals, pharmacies, logistics providers, solution providers, governmental and regulatory bodies, and trade associations. Evidence available from industry implementations shows that GS1 identification, data capture and data sharing standards in healthcare deliver tangible benefit to all stakeholders. GS1 Healthcare members include more than 100 leading healthcare organisations worldwide.

For more information about GS1 standards in healthcare, go to

Event Fees

Category Early Bird Event Fee
(inclusive of GST)
Public N/A S$0.00

Registration is closed