About Us > History of GS1

History of GS1

The EAN/UCC System currently known as GS1 system is managed by GS1 (merger of EAN International and the Uniform Code Council in 2005), Inc. It is a fully international system administered and promoted by a global network of Member Organisations representing 112 countries and all economic regions including America/Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa. GS1 Singapore joined as a member of the then EAN International in 1987. EAN International changes its name to GS1 in 2005 with the merger of EAN International and the Uniform Code Council of USA.

GS1 is a voluntary standards organisation which develops, establishes and promotes global, open standards for identification and communication for the benefit of the users involved and the ultimate consumers.

GS1 has a decentralised structure with a membership of Member Organisations (MOs) that manage the GS1 system in a country or economic region. GS1's head office manages the interests of its MOs and is responsible for coordinating and facilitating activities that deal with the development, management and promotion of the GS1 system amongst the MOs.

GS1 is the most widely used supply chain standards systems in the world. GS1 is a fully integrated global organisation and has over a million companies doing business across 155 countries. GS1 operates in multiple sectors and industries. Over 20 represented sectors ranging from Fast moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) to healthcare, transport, defence, aerospace etc...