8th GS1 Barcode System Workshop

27 FEBRUARY 2013 – The workshop on GS1 Barcode System was a half day event designed for current and new registered users of GS1 Singapore and those who were interested in improving their knowledge and expertise on barcode management and standards. It was attended by 12 companies, comprising of different sectors.

Mr Johnny Ang, Assistant Director, GS1 Singapore shared with participants the importance and needs of using the GS1 Global Standards, particularly for food traceability and recall. GS1 Registered Users can tap on the wealth of available GS1 technical reference documents and best practices to aid their learning in implementing GS1systems in different industries. During the session, case studies and updates the industrial developments of standards around the world were shared. One of the participants mentioned that “(it) Is good to know what is happening globally outside Singapore and have an update of those activities & initiatives.”

Ms Joy Lee, Senior Executive, GS1 Singapore focused on topics such as basic identification and numbering system of GS1. Emphasis was placed on how poor quality barcode affects business and areas to take note when printing barcodes. The workshop also incorporated interactive discussions and hands-on exercise for participants to work on case specific scenarios to enhance their understanding of the topics. Examples include assigning/generating different type of barcodes for different uses at work.

(Photo above) GS1 trainers engaged actively with participants during hands-on activities and discussion.
At the end of the workshop, participants had a better understanding on the required knowledge in implementing item numbering and barcodes onto their packaging and the crucial steps in ensuring the standards for barcodes to enter the marketplace A local manufacturer has also commented that he gained ““I have a much better understanding of how barcoding system works after this workshop.”
(Article posted by Andy Siow)